Encounters with Schiele in Tulln
Themed tour for children at Schiele birthplace
The city of Tulln has come up with a special educational program for children and young people at primary schools and lower secondary schools. A comic created especially for the birthplace guides young people through a themed tour of the life of the artist as a young boy. After garnering much praise for his graphic novel about the adult Egon Schiele, French cartoonist and comic illustrator Xavier Coste was won over to create this interactive comic. It goes through Egon Schiele’s life within individual thematic areas such as “Modern technology”, “What do I want to be when I grow up?” or “Rules and regulations” and is meant to be food for thought and to stimulate discussions. The young people choose a certain thematic area based on simple questions, so that each child can experience Egon Schiele’s life from a different angle. The idea and concept came from Schiele expert Christian Bauer and toikoi, an international office specializing in art education that already designed the birthplace.
Egon Schiele's birthplace
2013 wurde das Geburtshaus des Jahrhundertkünstlers am Tullner Hauptbahnhof neu konzipiert und attraktiv aufbereitet: Die einzelnen Räume der Bahnhofswohnung erzählen mittels eines modernen Audio-Systems bewegende Geschichten der Familie Schiele.
Address: Bahnhofstraße 69, 3430 Tulln
Hours: Daily from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Apr-Oct) or 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Nov-Mar)
Admission: One 2 euro coin
Further information to Egon Schiele's birthplace
Egon Schiele Trail
This special theme trail lets you revisit some of little Egon’s haunts in the town. It shows you places relating to his childhood in fin de siècle Austria. A town between the traditional and the modern. Let yourself get caught up in this atmosphere. And in the works in the Schiele Museum, which show what a great master Egon was even as a little boy.
Start of the circular special-theme trail: Tulln main station, Bahnhofstraße 69, 3430 Tulln
Distance: 3.6 km
Duration: About 90 min.
Difficulty: Easy, unhindered access
Further information about the Egon Schiele Trail
Egon Schiele Museum Tulln
The Egon Schiele Museum Tulln is devoted not just to Egon Schiele the person, but also to the places central to his life and art. A separate treasure chamber uses original works to illuminate annually changing topics related to the artist's life. With the most modern museum technology, six stations in his work as an artist are brought to life in reenacted audio-visual interviews with contemporaries.
Address: Donaulände 28, 3430 Tulln
Hours: April to Oct, Tue to Sun and hol, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Further information about the Egon Schiele Museum
Comic illustrator Xavier Coste
Xavier Coste was born in France in 1989. He studied the graphic arts in Paris and works as a cartoonist and comic illustrator for Le Monde Diplomatique or Hachette, among others. His graphic novel “Egon Schiele - Ein exzessives Leben” appeared in German at Knesebeck Verlag and was translated into several languages.

This project was supported with funds from NÖ Stadterneuerung and the province of Lower Austria.
Film: Schiele-Wochen
Schiele trail
Schiele's birthplace
Egon Schiele Museum Tulln
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