Vestiges of the ancient Romans at every turn
Stone towers 2,000 years old, graceful vessels, statuettes, jewelry. Even a meal prepared according to original Roman recipes–traces of the ancient Romans are everywhere in and around Tulln. And they offer exciting insights into daily Roman life and culture.
Around the birth of Christ, Roman soldiers, merchants and farmers arrived with their families to settle the sites along the Danube Limes that were in the best strategic locations. They protected the northern frontier of the Roman Empire for 500 years from barbarian invasions and conducted lively trade.

Simply ancient
A walking tour of Tulln and a visit to the Roman Museum show just what expert builders the Romans were. The mighty stone Roman Tower has stood invincible for 2,000 years. It is one of Austria’s oldest structures and among the few Roman structures north of the Alps still standing. Remains of the fortification walls suggest the huge dimensions of Fort Comagena. A thousand cavalry troops served here–more people than most settlements had at the time. The soldiers were a good source of income for the traders and farmers who lived around the fort.

Simply worth exploring
There are impressive stone vestiges of another fort in Zeiselmauer, about 10 km from Tulln by bicycle along the Danube Bike Path. Gasthof zum lustigen Bauern, an inn right around the corner from there, serves an original multi-course meal once a month (and on request) prepared according to recipes of the Roman epicure Apicius.
And if you continue along the Schubert Bike path (68 km) to Zwentendorf, you will find the site where Emperor Marcus Aurelius had a cavalry fort built. Finally, the mighty Roman Gate and Hunger Tower in Traismauer bring to mind the fort called Augustianis.