History comes alive at the Roman Museum
As you look at the hustle and bustle on the main square in Tulln, it is fun to remember that people were scurrying across this same spot 2,000 years ago. The Roman Museum in Marcus Aurelius Park can help to trigger your imagination. It exhibits a host of original finds, plus pictures, figurines, dioramas and models that show visitors what life was like at the Roman Cavalry Fort Comagena from about 90 AD to 488 AD.

Visitors can learn interesting things about the Roman province of Noricum. They are provided with an illustrated documentation and a depiction of military life at Fort Comagena. A model of the fort indicates its footprint in the current town map. We walk many of the same streets today that the Romans did.
April 6 to November 3, 2024:
Wen - Sun and Holidays, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Admission charges
Adults: € 6.50
Reduced adult tickets: € 5.50
(Groups of 10 people or more and seniors)
Children and young people (11-18 years): € 3.50
(Military conscripts, apprentices and students up to 25 years of age)
Reduced tickets for children and young people: € 2.50
(School and youth groups from 10 people without a guide)
Mother or father with max. 4 children (11-18 years): € 8.00
Parents with max. 4 children (11-18 years): € 13.00
€ 1.00 discount with the Tulln Ticket
Free admission with the Niederösterreich CARD!
Guided Tours
The team of the experts at the museum is happy to conduct tours about ancient Roman times. Simply call +43 (0)660 8711356 or buchung@kumkum.at (Claudia-Maria Behling) during regular hours to make arrangements. For schools, the museum offers educational programs tailored to specific age groups.
Stadtmuseum Tulln RÖMERMUSEUM
Marc Aurel-Park 1b
3430 Tulln an der Donau
+43(0)2272 690 189
The Roman Museum Tulln is a recipient of the Austrian museum quality mark.

More tips:
Historic Sightseeing
Museum Donaulimes
Roman Tulln
Roman Food